Amazon Fire TV

If you have an Amazon Fire TV or streaming stick, you have several options. It’s as simple as adding an app to your home menu.

NOTE: For best results, make sure the audio setting on your TV is set to “Music”, rather than “Normal”, “Movie”, “Speech”, etc.

Here are a few channels that feature FunHouse Radio.



Add the TuneIn app to your FireTV. Open TuneIn, then search “FunHouse Radio USA”. Our purple and yellow logo should pop up.

Don’t forget to mark us as a favorite so you can always find us.


Get Me Radio!

Add the Get Me Radio app to your FireTV. Open Get Me Radio, then search for “FunHouse Radio USA”. Our purple and yellow logo should pop right up.

Don’t forget to mark us as a favorite so you can always find us.



Add the myTuner app to your FireTV. Open myTuner, then search for “FunHouse Radio USA”. Our purple and yellow logo should pop right up.

Don’t forget to mark us as a favorite so you can always find us.